Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Grape vine

How come some other people have a nice Blogspot site and mine is that large webpage with my funny thoughts. I have to play with those buttons again - and then what? I am beginning other people have more well organized thoughts than me - really. I can dump anything into this site as its my diary, day to day recollections. Okay - sounds fine. I will be able to share with the world my thoughts and feelings? Currently i am in my work place now and well, to say the most of it, how many people like to say something good about their workplace?? The stress, the deadlines the gossips and backstabbing really exist and .. aye aye aye. But its the same in any other organization right? Okay okay... then its good then, i have to think global, beyond my limits, beyond my capability!! How can you go beyond?????? I mean one organization i know has this motto which says Beyond Excellence!! Gets me to think funny things!! Maybe an egg hatching may be a good trick...the chick inside the egg has grown beyond its limit and is now ready for bigger things so what is the word beyond the word excellence?? Super excellent?? So the next word may be ultra excellent?? Then super ultra duper triple excellence!!! Some people has got to be joking. I mean i am no Thomas Edision trying to build bulbs - i have other better things to without trying to have to crack my head! For example - what do i di with my Blogspot????? Hmmm.. i guess to day i will try to put up some photos... yeah that will be cool!! But that means i have to play around with those buttons!! Damn!!


Blogger lapisllong said...

i miss you, Stumpy. i ask Rae about you and how things are going but i forget to check on your here. i'm a bad friend, i know. how about this - i check on you more often and i'll try not to me to witty and funny. i'll be dull dull dull. you can be as super witty and wonderful like i remember you to be and i'll be the tree stump this time, ok? : )

4:19 PM  

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